May 20, 2024

Last month, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced he was introducing a bill that would explicitly ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections. The mind-trust at Biden-Harris HQ thought they’d ridicule this effort with a meme, further proving that the Left can’t meme:

If that bottom half gets cut off, it says, “It’s already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.”

If it makes something that’s already illegal illegal, what’s the harm? It’s kind of like trying to take people’s Second Amendment rights away even though murder is already illegal.

Biden-Harris HQ is still on it, and frankly, it looks desperate. And why shouldn’t it, with Biden allowing some 10 million illegals over the border and flying in hundreds of thousands more on “parole flights” with a path to citizenship? President Joe Biden himself said this week that illegal immigrants not only built this country but “have been model citizens.” Model what now?

… yet. Trust us, the Democrats are working on it. Last month, an illegal immigrant received a packet from the Social Security Office in Spartansburg that included voter registration forms.


Dems are always the ones crying about election interference, like requiring photo ID (that’s racist!). So why are they campaigning so hard against this bill?

If this is already illegal, this should be a guaranteed bipartisan vote passed by the entire House.

A lot of people on both sides are just saying this is political theater, but it’s a play the Democrats don’t want to put on record about.
