May 10, 2024

The Biden White House and their economic advisers continue to gaslight about how great things are going with the economy and other issues, but most people just aren’t buying it (because they can’t afford to): 

Despite reality, the White House is still trying to do the “ain’t Bidenomics great” thing and today the @JoeBiden account posted this about how President Biden sees the economy: 

Earlier this month Biden campaigned in Scranton and it looked like they were doing the “social distancing” thing again from back in the Covid days:

Back to Biden’s “I see the economy through the eyes of Scranton and working people” post.

A while back we shared a video of short interviews with the people of Scranton, and Biden’s not seeing the economy through many of these eyes: 


As for seeing the economy through the “eyes of the working class” Biden surely means his “working class” advisers who lie to him about how great the economy is, because he’s certainly not seeing things through these working-class eyes (language warning):

Ouch! Biden’s certainly not going to see anything like this from the “working class” he claims to champion, even in Manhattan:

Even the UAW president who endorsed Biden recently admitted the union’s membership isn’t voting for his reelection:

Meanwhile, the White House seems determined to tweet and gaslight their way out of what’s happened since Biden took office. 

Biden’s spent more nights at the homes of billionaire Dem donors these past few years than he has in Scranton.