May 19, 2024

There’s been a push for ‘tiny homes’ for a while now. And while we don’t necessarily have an objection to tiny homes or downsizing, if it’s done because some environmentalist demands it or if it seems impractical, we’re going to question it and mock it mercilessly.

This video is making the rounds on X, and it shows a ‘coffin room’ for a family of five.

Watch and see if you have the same reaction we did:

First off: ew. The toilet right across from the kitchen? Right next to the living space?

Hard pass.

Or live in a house with more than one tiny room.

Prison cells have more room.


Look, we love our families. But we’d be at one another’s throats in about 6 hours in a space this tiny.

We’d be okay with this.

Don’t give them any ideas.


So hygenic.

He’s out of line, but he’s right.

Just incredible, we bet.

$1 million for this.


They have one outfit and one pair of shoes. No room for toys or anything else.

Really does.

Aaaaand we’re dead.

Also, true.

Takes multitasking to a whole new level.

While they live in mansions.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

‘Hydraulic pumps’ and ‘practical’ seem contradictory terms.

No, they’re not.

Absolute hell.

Not a chance.

+1000 for the Fifth Element reference.

And yes, there is.

Yes, they are. They hate you.