May 19, 2024

It’s been a little over four years since the period in American history that James Woods has been calling “The Insanity” reared its ugly, totalitarian, unscientific head. Woods has been tweeting reminders so people don’t forget exactly how insane things were (and in some ways continue to be): 

The strategy from political “leaders” and others in public health was straightforward and obvious: Try and scare the crap out of everybody so they don’t question what they’re told to do: 

Remember the “summer of severe illness and death” warnings from the CDC director at the time?

Some truths were made even more obvious during that time, however:

As if we needed another reminder. 

To supposedly combat a virus that wouldn’t do as much damage to those in better physical condition, in the name of “science” the move was to close gyms, parks and beaches and then leave open liquor stores and tell people to stay home to eat all day. They couldn’t have made it more obvious it was about control and not “health.”


What could possibly go wrong? 

But sure, go ahead and trust these same people when it comes to climate change or countless other issues:

Their “rules for thee but not for me” philosophy couldn’t have been more obvious during that time.

In Michigan, the state government asked people to limit trips to the grocery store while blocking off the area where you could pick up garden seeds. Science, Whitmer-style (she of course was among those allowed to break their own rules).