May 20, 2024

Experts: what would we do without them?

Probably the same things we’re doing now, as we don’t really listen to their nonsense anyway. And that’s entirely on them: after COVID (and the economy and ‘gender-affirming care), they’ve irreparably damaged their reputations.

And this won’t help restore it:


More from The New York Post (emphasis added):

Call it perfume-ative hygiene.

Experts say the daily shower has no proven health benefit, dismissing the dousing as a socially-accepted practice geared toward staving off accusations of funkiness — as A-listers like Jake Gyllenhaal to Mila Kunis admit they’ve been saying no to the nozzle.

“Why are we washing? Mostly because we’re afraid somebody else will tell us that we’re smelling,” environmentalist Donnachadh McCarthy told the BBC.

Oh. There it is. An environmentalist is the ‘expert’ on personal hygiene here.



Actual human beings? Nah. Can’t do that.



Or if you exercise, or sweat excessively, or get dirt during the day.

Bathing — good hygiene — has done more to minimize and prevent diseases and infections than anything.

Anyone with a basic understanding of history would know this.

 Which is why the ‘experts’ don’t.

We can even say it’s performative — it’s part of living in a civilized society, where body odor is considered socially unacceptable.

Environmentalists have been after our showers and toilets for years.

And when they lock you down to prevent climate change, you won’t interact with people or get sweaty, so we guess they’re right.

(No, they’re not).

No benefits at all.

This is especially funny after years of ‘WASH YOUR HANDS’ during COVID. That’s 100% correct — frequent handwashing helps combat disease.

This applies to regular bathing as well.

Heavens no. The most labor-intensive part of their day is the walk to their front door to get their Uber Eats order.

Environmentalists are hellbent on lowering our standard of living.

Because environmentalism, or something.
