May 20, 2024

A video posted to Twitter/X shows police in Arizona attempting to disband an illegal protest encampment at Arizona State University. The clip shows police presence while young men described as ‘white frat boys’ throw encampment trash into a truck. We’re pretty sure there’s a brother among them, but leftists always have to make things about race. The angry woman filming the video is most likely white as well, but we digress.

The annoying activist narrator continues ‘We’ve got the pigs in brown doing nothing about it.’

This has become a typical scene in the past week and a lot of people have no sympathy for professional protester losers. The police reported that most of the arrests made were not even students at ASU.

‘Why aren’t the police doing anything about those white frat boys?’ ask the people breaking the law.

In a second video the resisters are heard whining about being ‘brutalized’ by the police while chanting ‘Peaceful protest! Peaceful arrest!’. LOL. Losers.

Yeah, you’ll find no sympathy here. Stop breaking the law and get a real job.


Like we said, people have had enough of this nonsense.

LOL! Get packing, nerds. You’re done here.

It’s nice to see the youth being represented by people other than the unbathed keffiyeh-wearing libs we’ve been subjected to for the past week.

Not all heroes wear capes.

The Left is quickly learning that a large segment of the population is not interested in their bullying tactics any longer.

Left-wing social misfits and malcontents may still be able to strong-arm some in liberal academic circles but normal folks have had it.

We don’t want a repeat of 2020.

We doubt the police were directing them in any way more than they were focused on the illegal protesters … but we can hope.