May 14, 2024

The Left always ends up eating their own. In the game of intersectionality, whoever checks the most boxes wins. The prize? Being the biggest ‘victim’ of ‘oppression.’ 

So when two factions meet — like Palestinian protesters and Native American activists — who wins?W

Well, it seems the Palestinian protesters on sheer brute force. Watch (and grab the popcorn):

The whole ‘colonization’ argument backfired on them, huh?

They seem lovely.

We all know why. 

And it ain’t because of COVID.

They’ve also set up camps with strictly-enforced borders, while calling for open U.S. borders. Hypocrisy is kinda their thing.


They’ll never be arrested or charged or fined.


This is (D)ifferent.


But others had the same question.

The intersectionality manual is probably 1,200 pages long. Gonna take a while to figure out who is the oppressed vs. oppressor here.


No dealing with them. No reasoning with them.

At this point, we can only assume they want it to get worse.

Nailed it.

They didn’t get rid of religion, they just created a whole bunch of new ones.

They’re never going to face consequences, so why keep hiding?

It collides hard.

Suddenly, not a bad thing anymore.

Why is that?